Getting started

Get the nesting box

Install the toolkit using pip:

$ pip install wagtail-nesting-box

After that, a working Wagtail website is required. If you don't have a properly configured website, you may follow the official guidelines to create a new one.

Create a Wagtail blog

Wagtail is built on top of the Django web framework and it acts as a traditional Django app. The toolkit is just a set of models already configured to work out of the box on your Wagtail instance, so to activate them you should update the INSTALLED_APPS variable in your Django settings. Assuming that you want to add a full fledged blog, simply:


        # ...
        # all your other Wagtail, Django, and personal apps

Note: wagtail.contrib.settings is a pre-requisite for the app.

Now you can update your database, launching a Django migration:

$ python migrate

Add the Blog index page

Access the Wagtail admin site.

  • Add a new blog index page, clicking on Page > Add child page > Blog.
  • In the creation page, set the page title.
  • In the Promote > Slug field, write blog.
  • Click the Publish button in the bottom menu, to save the page.
  • Open the page by clicking the Live button.

If everything went well, you should see an empty page with the Blog posts header.

Add your first Post

In the Wagtail admin site, add a subpage to the Blog page:

  • Choose the Post page
  • In the creation page, set the page title.
  • Write the post content in the body field, throught the Wagtail StreamField widget.
  • Add at least one Tag
  • Click the Publish button in the bottom menu, to save the page.
  • Open the Blog page index again

At that point, you must see your first blog post with a tag filter at the top of the page! If you click on the title, on the image or on the Read more link, you can access to the post detail. Now it's the time to add more posts and try the tag filter above.

Note: the Post page is available only as a child of the Blog page. If you don't see the Post page, it's because you're not adding a child to the Blog page (or because you found a bug!).

Write your custom templates

Offered templates are simple and without any kind of style. If you want to write your custom Blog and Post templates, it's enough to add these files in your Wagtail root folder:

  • templates/blog/blog.html: defines the blog index page
  • templates/blog/post.html: defines the post detail

It could be a good idea copying the provided templates so that you can be inspired while writing basic functionalities such as tag filtering.